Saturday, February 27, 2010

Punchline of the Day

The school where I work has a small 7th grade class of 6 very energetic boys. They can be a lot of fun, but they can drive me crazy.

During study hall a few days ago, one of the boys mentioned that someone was kicked off of an airplane because he was too fat. Another student asked, quite seriously, "Did they at least give him a parachute?"

Out of the mouths of preteens, right?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Moms Say the Darndest Things

Me: We just got Fargo in the mail from Netflix.

Mom: Fargo...isn't that about a stagecoach?

Brody: I think it's a movie about Alaska.

Me: Really? I thought it was set in North Dakota.

Mom: Oh, North Dakota? But isn't it about a stagecoach travelling across country? Oh wait...that's called Stagecoach...

(We still don't know what the movie is about.)